20 August 2004

if u could see what i see...
if u could feel the tenderness i feel..

Angels brought me here....sedap didengar bila hati dalam keadaan tenang..rasa syukur sesangat..sebab sumer dah selesai.....and my new beginning this coming 06/09..

can't expect what kind of task will be assigned next two weeks from now...so now nie need to clear up all current task..and handover my responsibilities to my second men...:)

"To dream anything that you want to dream, that is the beauty of the human mind. To do anything that you want to do, that is the strength of the human will. To trust yourself, to test your limits, that is the courage to succeed."

Bernard Edmonds

"The best way to predict your future is to create it."
Stephen Covey

02 August 2004


here come's my brand new digital video camera JVC GR-D200. just bought at fotokem midvalley last saturday 31/07/2004 ...around ....sakit mata gak laaa tengok statement kredit kad bulan depan...hehehhe.. :)

a compact design for mega-fun and mega-style with 1.3 mega pixel...quite big for current market, 200x digital hyper zoom with spline interpolation and last but not least 10x optical zoom...

la nie...baru jekk memain ngan snapshot and video cam function..lookss nice..but not yet download to pc for viewing...

maybe rite after this dah bleh writing this blog and include some photo from my camcorder..wargghhhh...tak sabo rasanya...:)